This article was originally published on WackoJaco
"Excuse Me, I Want a Ring, Too. "
Is the dog showing how it should be done? This man proposed to his girlfriend and their pet is also begging her to marry him. That’s the cutest thing we have ever seen. Anybody would have said yes to doggy for his innocent proposal. It seems like the guy has taught his furry friend pretty well about this kind of stuff. That’s why he’s trying too hard. So, man's best friend just became man's best wingman.
Although now that we take a second glance at it, we're thinking the dog might actually just be waiting for its own proposal from the Mr.
All This Kissing Is Disgusting
Some couples are quite cheesy and don’t hesitate to show their love in public or in front of the camera. But it looks like this cat disagrees with it. Maybe the cat is wondering why that couple is ruining her background. Attention is something cats need, as evidenced by the fact that these photobombing felines would do just about everything to get it! And they are on a mission to transform every purrfect photograph into an awful catastrophe by interrupting family photoshoots, selfies, or even fighting with each other.

Well, sometimes romance sucks! Perhaps that’s why this naughty feline interrupted a passionate smooch by sticking its tongue out just as the photographer clicked the camera. Although the picture is blurry, the cat’s expression says it all.
That Cat Is Definitely an Influencer
Has it ever happened when you were roaming around to get a good picture, and a random cat came right by your side and decided to mock you? The cat here is saying, "Ohh, look at me, walking on two legs. Ooh, look at me, I'm a human now." They both look perfect, but we are impressed by the detailed posing by the little kitty. It looks like the cat is tiptoeing. Isn't that amazing? That's what we call a proper catwalk!
It seems like they are having a competition to see who has better legs! Cats usually play like this when they are with their favorite human.
"Don't Look at Them, Look at Me"
This dog looks curious yet uses his best smile for the family photo. Maybe the dog just wanted to be a part of the fun. The picture just got improved after the dog crashed in, and no one's going to get mad after watching his innocent face. However, the dog has gained cartoon levels of expression. Someone needs to tell him he's a good boy so he will smile more openly next time. People should keep a dog in their family photos for an extra dose of cuteness.
Well, Huskies get along with almost everyone, especially the kids. Here, the husky looks like a parent or middle-aged adult trying to figure out how selfie angles work.
When Your Cat's a Little Possessed but Won't Miss Out
It’s selfie sabotage time! A lady strikes a pose, and her furry friend crosses her eyes and steals the show. It’s pretty much obvious that cats love to be a part of selfies. Well, maybe the truth is that the kitty couldn’t control her disgust when the girl brought her armpit close to her face, and the odor was so bad that the kitty was about to faint. Perhaps it’s better if she can use a deodorant next time.
Some animals have a knack for popping up at exactly the right moment, and the results are often hilarious. This one here looks like a pro in photobombing pictures.
There's Always Some Family Drama During the Holidays
Here's an embarrassing group picture of a family where two dogs took their Christmas spirit way too far. Or maybe the dogs got their Christmas present a little too early! The dogs are like, "Keep partying, humans. Just ignore us, okay?" And we are happy for them as nobody stopped them. At least they have brought out the genuine joy in their people's faces! Sometimes the mood just hits so badly they can't control it.

We wonder whether the kids really got the actual meaning of it, or maybe they are just laughing because the elders are laughing! However, the dogs have amazingly photobombed the family picture.
He Stole the Show at the Engagement Photoshoot
When this couple decided to get hitched, their little Wiener dog photobombed their engagement photos in the best possible way. They took him to the location to play in the photo's foreground with the couple looking at him, but it looks like he wanted to play in front of them instead. Maybe he is trying to put the leaves on the couple to make the pictures look artsier. The result? He stole the show.

The expression of the dog in the second photo is priceless. It seems like he’s living his best life. Or perhaps the dog is just happy that he now has two people he can ask for a walk.
"My Butt's Prettier Than Her Dress"
Oops! This photo stinks. Cats generally love to show their butt to their owners or random people they can trust. Here the cat must be saying, "This is what I think of their marriage." Or perhaps the cat is subconsciously warning the new couple about what lies ahead. Honestly, this looks like a visual representation of why we love cats so much: it's because they just don't give a crap.

Or perhaps people usually raise a toast at the wedding, so the cat is also raising her tail here for the lovely couple. How adorable! Everybody should get this kind of memorable photo in their wedding album.
Baby Yoda, Is That You?
Wow, a rare, never-before-seen photo of baby Yoda. What are the odds? Ever since we first met him in Disney's series The Mandalorian, we've wanted to see more and more of him. Okay, fine, you got us; this isn't Baby Yoda at all. It's just an adorable photobomb by the family dog, making it look like the baby has cute Yoda-like ears. The baby must be thinking, "I'm all ears, Mommy."
Perfectly timed images are amusing enough on their own, but no doubt they're much funnier when they have an uninvited participant in the form of a goofy-looking dog.
Driving to Work in the Morning Be Like
It looks like a lucky human whose dog drove him to the office, or maybe the dog is trying to learn how to drive. We are wondering what other skills this dog has! His looks are on point, and even the shirt is matching his eye color. And it really doesn't get much more human-like than this. After all, this is what our face looks like when we get stuck in traffic.

On the other hand, maybe that's a clear example of how every human is really just an animal. Or humans and dogs have become so close, that we're now one.
This Dog Better Run Before It’s Too Late
It looks like the cat is planning something sinister. Just look at this bloodthirsty creature. Was the news headlines something like, "RIP Sammy. Ambushed by an enemy so small no one would have thought." Maybe the cat is planning to kill the dog and take its place or end the rivalry between these two species with one fatal blow. Or perhaps she's jealous of the friendly, always happy doggy. They feel extremely possessive towards their owners and can't share them with any human or pet.

This whole scenario reminds us of the comic Get Fuzzy. The dumb, though cute dog thinks he’s so smug, but he should consider this the last picture of his life.
The Three Best Friends That Anybody Could Have
Cats as pets are way too adorable, and this selfie is a testament to that. They play with their owners and even try to mimic them. Here this cute couple is trying to capture a moment, and their cat tried to pose like them. Maybe the little fellow is feeling happy after watching the couple happy. The cat was just trying to be as self-absorbed and silly as the humans. On the other hand, maybe they are going to hang out tonight, and the cat is requesting to go with them through those cute hand gestures.
Well, the cat just made this picture so much better. It looks like the cat is imitating the girl's expression as well. If that's true, it says something about how some cats want to be included in social activities.
This Cat Is a Total Mood
It's a Downward-facing cat! This feline shows off its yoga moves while the cat owner is doing yoga beside her. Unfortunately, the human is really upstaging the cat here. Well, it seems like this cat has never done yoga (or any other physical activity). What a chunk monster! But, of course, what matters the most is that it is trying. Practice can make anyone perfect, even this lazy-looking cat!
Many of us can relate to this cat on a spiritual level. This is how we all feel at the first or even the last minute of our exercise. One can say that this is how we all felt during the COVID-19 lockdown. Quite relatable, right?
"Wait For Me, I Can Smile Better Than All Of Them"
How can a dog be so handsome and with such a cheerful personality? We are happy to announce that we have got the most positive dog in the world, which can pose for the camera better than humans. Has anyone ever seen such a beautiful, wholesome cheery smile? He just wanted to be in the picture but forgot he was photobombing the family picture. Well, No one expected this photobomb to be that good.

But honestly speaking, it looks more like those family members are photobombing the dog's lovely picture. We also loved that everyone is blurred except the dog.
It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Supercat!
Fly like an eagle and see no evil. Well, is it a bird? Is it a plane? Actually, it’s a Super Cat. He might be a fan of Superman or Catwoman. But where is the cape? The cat is probably going out to save other cats from being bullied by dogs. It looks like a family meal got interrupted by a spectacular Super Cat who’s on the move. Maybe cats have evolved to the point that they can fly away from humans whenever it is not the feeding time.
Every other cat laughed when this one said she was trying to fly, and now they are hiding their faces.
"That’s What You Get For Taking My Place"
Has anyone ever seen such a poor angle that makes the picture look as if the dog is pooping on the poor baby's head? It doesn't fit well with the serenity of a beautiful English country garden. The photo was cute, to begin with, but it's also hilarious. In most cases, it's difficult to argue that a pooping dog improves a shot, but the situation is a little different when it appears that a tiny dog is perched atop a baby's head. Hey, that mini-dog just pooped a giant baby.
Oh well! The baby won’t be happy with his dad when he grows up and sees this picture. It’s better to review a photo before uploading it.
Having Older Siblings Be Like
She asked her husband to take a picture of her, and his buddy and their other dog decided to make an appearance. Maybe he is tired of being referred to as the "other dog." Or he might be jealous of the first dog as it was getting more attention than him. Just look at the first dog's expression in the second photo. He knows he's getting his thunder stolen any time soon. Perhaps they said cheese before getting the picture, so the other dog came at the right time in search of the actual cheese!
Well, those are some good-looking dogs they have got; it looks like they all enjoyed the hike pretty much.
She Might Need a Restraining Order
It looks like the last photo taken of the girl, and no one has seen her ever since. That's definitely the evil laughter on the feline's face. The cat must be angry as the girl is busy taking selfies rather than patting her. Not to get super dark, but it looks like the cat is mad and possibly planning to kill her owner. Or perhaps the cat is upset because the girl photobombed her picture. This also shows how cats look when we turn our backs on them.
We bet that this cat acts all nice and innocent during the day but reveals her true nature at night. We are praying for the girl’s safety.
"That Sure Looks Delicious"
If someone is looking at the gentleman holding the fish, they are doing it wrong. Slowly let the eyes drift to the right and a little down, and see a dog’s hungry, desperate desire for a little piece of bass. A bass fishing enthusiast from Illinois posted this photo with his pup. The dog looks quite disappointed, or should we say, not happy. Just look at those flared nostrils; we bet that the dog is wondering what his human wants with the stinky fish.

The dog must be thinking it’s not going to be enough for their dinner! Or maybe the dog is angry because the human took the credit for catching a fish that the dog actually caught.
He Thought It Was a Thirst Trap Photo
This hilarious photo proves why one really needs to check what’s happening behind them before snapping that shot or uploading it on the internet. A pooch flashes his butt in the camera while two girls pose for a picture. He might be curious to know if his bum looks big in the picture! Or maybe he is just angry because the girls wanted to have a sleepover (just the two of them), and he has to leave the room.
The best photobombs are when the photobomber is clueless but still looks like he's doing it on purpose, and animals (especially cats and dogs) always top the list.
The Grinch's Dog Is Here
At the very first glance, the picture looks terrifying. Ever seen a Christmas picture that looks haunted as if the dog is possessed. The guy's Christmas can turn into a deathbed, so he shouldn't open that door. Who knows, maybe the dog has been infected with some kind of virus, just like in the movie Resident Evil. It looks like a zombie dog locked behind the door and trying hard to come inside. From his furious eyes, it's evident that he's going to kill everyone right away once he's in.

Or perhaps the dog is just annoyed by the fact that the family is celebrating Christmas without him.
Who Photobombed Who?
How dare they do something like this in public? Someone get a room for them! This alarmed-looking cat makes it clear how it feels about two cats getting it on. It might have felt left out and maybe heartbroken. This cat is seriously stressed out, as what has been seen can never be unseen till eternity. Well, what kind of person takes a picture of cats mating? So, maybe she’s trying to put the camera away.

However, it’s always wholesome to see cats cuddling and loving each other. But expressing love in public might hurt the feelings of other single cats out there.
Literally Stole All of the Focus
It’s a family picture, but according to the cat, it’s the only important family member. It’s the best family picture ever because the camera focused only on the cat. It seems like the people actually photobombed this cute little kitty’s selfie. Well, it’s a Paw-trait of a Cat, filling in for the guest of honor. We prefer to watch cats instead of humans. To the cat, humans are just a backdrop anyways. Or perhaps they are too much for a family portrait, so the kitty decided to crash the picture.
He knew exactly what he was doing. Indeed, that’s a really cool photo of the cat. They should consider getting it framed.
Meet the One-And-Only Catbaby!
Well, human evolution has gone quite far. And suddenly, one day, the baby got a tail! A cute infant suddenly appears a little more feline, thanks to a photobombing furry feline. The baby must be thinking, “Now I’m a half-human and a half-cat.” Though this is the cutest picture that got captured at an excellent time, there is nothing creepy about it. The baby must be one in 100,000 who’s born with a tail. Well, the tail has made the baby look even better and cuter.
Or anyone wondering whether the cat aliens have landed? We are curious to know how the tail is perfectly positioned. We should give a round of applause to the one who captured this perfect picture.
An International Interview? Yeah, the Cat's Interested
A Scottish lawmaker, John Nicolson, was recently photobombed by his cat during a virtual meeting about the advantages of putting subtitles on children’s television. And he has nothing to say about this except sorry for the uncalled interruption. The cat named Rojo walked in front of the camera and waved his tail, and caught all the spotlight. We do understand this because cats do what they want to do no matter where they are. And they are never ready to apologize or accept their mistake.
The cat has a magnificent tail and an excellent sense of both positioning and timing. We are curious to see his face as well. Well, we should not forget that the cat is always the real BOSS of the house.
Oh, Hello There
Have you ever seen such a cutest dog photobomb or, precisely, pup bombed? This looks like a perfect family picture to us. The dog just got captured perfectly as he was standing still while everyone acted crazy. Bet the dog wasn't very happy as they all photobombed its selfie. Still, the dog's smile really reminds us of a quokka. We should applaud him because he knew exactly what he was doing.
Well, that family looks so exciting, and it’s best to celebrate such events with full enthusiasm. However, there are 16 people in the picture, but one cute little puppy overshadows all of their smiles, personalities, and attempts to be funny. The dog must be so proud of himself.
A Little Predator Stalking Their Big Prey
It may seem like the cat is trying to photobomb the picture, but we all know her true plans. That evil look in her eyes is still visible. Most probably, she's planning to kill the dog anytime soon, whereas the innocent dog is unaware of her vicious plan. Maybe she plays the game CATassassin's Creed too much and now wants to kill the poor dog. We are curious to see the rest of the photos in which the dog might be jumping and running for his life.

Cats are generally not on good terms with dogs, but they become enemies if the owner has both a cat and a dog as pets. However, if given enough time to get to know each other, most cats can happily coexist with dogs, especially when they are raised together.
"Excuse Me, Human. Looks Like You Forgot About Me"
This is a visual representation of an ex that just won't quit stalking. Here the cat is holding its paw on the window in sorrow, and the angle makes it even funnier. Maybe the poor cat just wanted to wave his paw towards his owner from afar. The cat must be feeling left out as now his human has a dog pet, and it genuinely looks like he loves him more. The dog might be man's best friend, but it's not right to abandon the little fellow who is now quite depressed.
Is the cat singing the song in her head, “Hello darkness my old friend,” or plotting a scheme to get rid of the dog?
That One Friend Who Always Makes Silly Faces In Photos
Now, this must be Food photobombing a cat shot! It looks like the cat is not a big fan of fruits of any kind in the house. The cat’s facial expressions are indeed priceless. We all must be feeling fruity after watching this beautiful basket, but it looks like it got upstaged by a scowling cat. So, maybe the cat plans to rip the fruit basket apart whenever the human is busy somewhere else.
While it looks like the cat is having a stroke, it is not the case. We believe the cat is not happy with the human’s decision and just wants to have meat for dinner.
"Hey, That's My Mug! ”
Sometimes it just amazes us how the timings of cats can be this perfect. Maybe the human is drinking something in the kitty’s cup, and she’s right there to take it back. The written part on the cup actually justifies the cat’s life. They always do whatever they want to do! The cat must be saying, “Are you quoting me again, human? How many times should I say that it DOES NOT SUIT YOU.”
Well, cats usually don’t like to share their stuff with anyone, not even with their owners. They are extremely possessive towards their things, especially when it comes to sharing their human (well, no one likes to share).
The Cat Thinks Domino's Is Better
That dog is dressed up as a pizza delivery boy, but the cat is not happy with this decision. She wants all the freakin’ attention. A pretty angry cat doesn’t hold back. It looks like the cat has lost her mind; someone should call a priest, please! Maybe she wanted to have the pizza, or she was unhappy about this dog having pizza. Cats do some weird stuff to seek attention from their owners, especially when they are treating other pets nicely.
The owner should stop playing with the cat's emotions. Otherwise, they'll bear the consequences once the cat is done with the dog.
We Know Who's Really in Charge Here
Here’s a rare sight of a cat who’s hanging out well with the dogs. However, it actually took us a while to see the cat. We thought that was a reflection! Cats and their laser eyes always make a deadly combination. Whenever the laser power is on, we can’t make the mistake of ignoring them. It looks like this picture was her debut. The dogs are trying to look evil, but the cat is the real devil.
It’s difficult to guess who is the real photobomber in this photo. Though the cat is barely visible in the picture, it has gotten all the attention. Mission successful.
Peekaboo, the Cat Sees You!
We know about the centuries-old rivalry between cats and dogs, but this one takes the cake. Someone captured the moment right before the dog's murder. The dog's eyes clearly say, "She's behind me, right?" That is the look of pure terror on the dog's face. We think he has already smelled something fishy right there. The cat must be a night stalker, or in this case, a day stalker looking for the right moment to finish the unfinished. Maybe the dog is blocking her way again, and the cat doesn't like it.
We are pretty sure that the innocent dog hasn’t done anything wrong, but the cat has already made up her mind to kill him or even break any house property and blame him.
That One Friend Who Can Never Look Artsy
It looks like a pretty good shot using forced perspective, a technique based on an optical illusion that makes an object appear farther away, closer, smaller, or larger than it actually is. It manipulates human vision. It looks like a pretty big fluffy dog cloud that seems like it is floating in the sky. However, the dog looks suspicious; well, anyone would be if someone is trying to take the pictures of the family members from the back.

Or THAT time has come as it seems like the dog is going to push them off the cliff anytime soon, and his looks make it more evident that he has a badass plan to execute.
Just Casually Sliding Through Life
This looks like a dog version of the Korean show Crash Landing On You. Introducing two cute Siberians named Treason and Husky, who love to play around. Their favorite hobby is eating good food, and their favorite time pass is rolling into each other all day. This is their one in a million shot. The dog on the top looks innocent and strangely okay with whatever is happening with him. He must be thinking, "This seems like a good spot to lay down," or maybe he thinks now he can fly.

However, Glory knows he’s ultimately going to fall, but he’s just hanging there for as long as he can, just like we are holding ourselves in COVID.
Who Are We Kidding, This Pup Is the Cutest Thing Around
Aww! The cute little dog is having his moment while the couple figures out how to pose. The dog is unaware of what's happening behind. It looks like the dog knows what he is doing in this picture. Just look at those subtle expressions and calmness. So, maybe the dog is like the story's narrator says, "And this is how, boys and girls, I got mommy and daddy." Well, the camera (actually the photographer) always seems to know who's best to focus on!
From another perspective, perhaps the dog may not be happy with the man, he might steal her from him, or maybe she’ll ignore the little one after getting married.